Mr. Chandler - The Write Launch

Gate 29
Laura isn’t the type of person to abide idleness. She’s always moving, always lunging from one thing to the next.

"What’s your greatest insecurity?" - Quagmire Literary Magazine

Breakfast & Hashtags - Excerpt from “The Rabbit Hole”
I woke up at 6:45, just like I do every morning.
I made myself a kale, avocado smoothie. I took pictures as I made it, making sure to catch the right angle and lighting on the kale. Carefully slicing the avocado and rotating it a few different ways for the right look. Presentation is key.

The Painting - Excerpt From “A Campus on Fire”
I woke with her sheets twisted around my bare leg and a chill seeping in through the open window. I turned to find the bed empty, just a cool indentation where she’d been.

The Sun
Mom was on the road a lot when I was growing up. Sometimes she’d be gone for a while. A month, maybe more. I didn’t really think anything of it. When you’re a kid you don’t understand it’s not like that for everyone. You can’t really comprehend other worlds. You just assume they’re all like yours.
Published by Sequoia Speaks in their Spring 2022 edition